A powerful network

I know that in a globalised world an individual can only do so and so much, that's why I have from the beginning on focused on building a global network of internationally working mindfulness teachers. Thus, wherever your life takes you, you as an expat can rely on a powerful network to make sure you receive the best possible support and coaching.

Mindfulness Academy Solterreno MBSR Teacher

Mindfulness Network

I have a vision of a more stress resilient, succesful and happy world. Do you share it?

I have worked in the human ressources and mindfulness field for some time now and being an expat and trainer myself I have experienced the limits of current mindfulness offers. Together with you I would like to connect and synergise to spread Mindfulness as a way of life. Read more about my ideas, vision and your benefits below, before learning about how you can become a part of the network and join today (spoiler: it's free!).


improved service

For our apprentices


Through our professional Mindfulness network we are able to provide better support to our communities by improving international coverage.

Imagine a student moving abroad or wanting to take some mindful time off elsewhere. We can provide better support through our network and connect the student with other qualified teachers to ensure a smoother transition into his new life.

Better network

For us teachers

Through the network we can support each other, exchange ideas and nurture interest in the world of Mindfulness. At regular meetings we aim to draw up new inspirations to tackle daily challenges and design better courses. We even plan to offer Mindfulness trips to our cities to explore new places while at the same time sharing a mindful moment. Together we find the right partners to power our mission.

Join us

Do you share my goals and vision? If that's the case why not join the network (again: it's absolutely free) and spread Mindfulness! 

We will start simple by getting in touch with you and finding the best way to help you and your business succeed. The first step may be as simple as including you on other mindfulness websites but from then on there are no limits! Whatever you need, we can provide it and support you at every step on your way! And remember, we charge nothing and your free to leave whenever you want.


Food for thought

Perhaps the most “spiritual” thing any of us can do is simply to look through our own eyes, see with eyes of wholeness, and act with integrity and kindness.
— Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn